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In Wardha district, Maharashtra, a six-year-old girl was bitten by a snake that remained wrapped around her neck for two hours. Luckily, the child was not seriously injured and is now out of danger. The incident was caught on video and widely circulated on social media, which shows the snake coiled around the child’s neck. The child’s family members reportedly asked her to remain still while the snake was being treated.
On Monday, a local news outlet in India uploaded a video to YouTube of a woman who was trapped and bitten by a cobra. The video has received over 21,000 views.
The incident took place on September 12 in Maharashtra, India. The victim, Purvi Gadkari, was told to stay still to avoid provoking the snake. Somehow, she managed to remain motionless for nearly two hours until a snake charmer was summoned to help remove the cobra from Gadkari’s neck.
Lokmat, an Indian news outlet, shared footage of the event on YouTube which showed the cobra with its hood fully expanded. According to the San Diego Zoo, cobras spread their hoods when they feel threatened.
At the end of the two-hour period, the girl moved, which prompted the cobra to bite her. The snake charmer then approached to help remove the cobra, but it instead bit the girl’s arm.
While Mymillionreaders was not able to independently verify which account was true, the cobra did bite the girl and she was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital.
Cobra Wraps itself Around Child Neck Video Goes Viral
If not treated properly, cobra bites can be fatal.
“Cobras have potent neurotoxic venom, which affects the nervous system,” herpetologist Sara Viernum told Live Science.
“Symptoms from a neurotoxic cobra bite can include problems with vision, difficulty swallowing and speaking, skeletal muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, respiratory failure, vomiting, abdominal pain, necrosis, and anticoagulation,” she continued.
If you are bitten by a cobra, it is important to seek medical attention immediately as the venom can be very dangerous.
As Insider reports, Indian cobras are responsible for an estimated 10,000 deaths in India each year. When they feel threatened, these snakes will spit venom through their fangs at their attacker. To protect themselves, snake charmers typically remove the cobras’ fangs.
Of course, snake charming was banned in India in 1972 as part of a wildlife protection act. However, snake charmers still work throughout the country, and they often work with Indian cobras. This is likely why a snake charmer was called to help Gadkari—they know how to handle these poisonous snakes.