Hashtags are a way of categorizing content on social media platforms. On TikTok Boosted, you can search for hashtags and find videos that were specifically made to be related to that topic. If you want your video to be found by other users who are looking for content about specific topics, then hash tagging your video with keywords is important! It’s also helpful if you want more people to see the kind of content that you make by following these topics.

On TikTok Boosted, there are billions of different hashtag options available. Some broad hashtags will have millions or even billions of posts associated with them, while others may only have tens of thousands or fewer. The key is making sure that the hashtag you choose is one that is relevant to your video’s content and that there are enough other users using it.

Another thing to note about hashtags on TikTok Boosted is how they work with viral videos. When a video starts trending, anyone who searches for the hashtag will see the original creator’s content first. So, if you want people to see your version of a popular video or song, then using the same hashtags is important! You may even find yourself being discovered by some of the most popular accounts on this platform when you use similar hashtags, which can help you build up your following significantly faster.

Hashtags are an integral part of social media marketing and TikTok Boosted is no exception! Whether you’re looking for a way to categorize your video content so that it can be found by more people or trying to get your videos in front of a wider audience, hash tagging is the best way to do both. So don’t forget to use them when you post your next TikTok Boosted video and see what a difference they make!

Why use hashtags on your videos?

Hashtags are an important part of using social media to promote yourself, your brand, or your business. They can be used by anyone and they don’t require the use of any type of financial resources to create or maintain them. Hashtags are also a great way to categorize content so that it is easier to find and follow-on social media platforms like TikTok Boosted, which has a wide variety of users who may have different interests from yours. Here are some reasons why hashtags should be a part of every promotion strategy:

1. To help get found

Hashtags make it easy for people looking for specific types of content on social media platforms to find what they’re looking for through searches. This can be especially useful for people who may have never heard of your brand or business before and are just starting to become familiar with it.

2. To increase the exposure of your content

Hashtags can also be a great way to make sure that you’re seen by more users on social media. You can use them to categorize your posts so that they’re easier to find, follow, and watch. This is a great way to get more attention for your existing content and increase the number of new followers that you gain.

3. To help create conversations around topics

One of the biggest benefits of using hashtags on social media platforms like TikTok Boosted is how easily they can start conversations about specific topics among a wide variety of users. You can use hashtags to bring together different accounts that may have similar interests and create discussions around the topics that you’re interested in. This can be a great way to not only meet new people but also attract people who are more likely to become your customers or clients.

4. To help build up your following

When you want to get more attention for your brand, business, or yourself on social media platforms like TikTok Boosted it is good to start developing a following from day one. Hashtags make it much easier for new followers to come across your content and decide whether or not they want to follow what you do or see what else you have posted. So, by utilizing them, you will start building up a following much more quickly than you ever could without them.

Hashtags are an important part of using social media to promote yourself and it’s one that is often overlooked or underutilized. So, start using hashtags on all your posts to get noticed by more users and attract more followers today!

How to Use Hashtags Effectively

There are many different ways in which hashtags can be used across TikTok Boosted, but some are better than others. Here are the questions that you should ask yourself when choosing what hashtag, you will use for your video:

1. Does it help people find the types of content that they want?

The main purpose of hashtags is to help categorize content so that users can find it more easily. So don’t just pick random hashtags because you think they sound cool or will make people click to see your video. Make sure that the hashtag that you use is relevant to the topic of your post and is associated with what type of content you’re posting—whether it’s a video, photo, text, or other media.

Is it being used by others?

Your goal should be to get as much exposure for your post as possible so it’s important to take a look at whether or not there are already many other posts using that same hashtag on TikTok Boosted. If there is a lot of competition for popular hashtags then try to find one that isn’t used as frequently and is a little bit more unique so that your post can still get the exposure you want.

2. Is it short but memorable?

The most popular hashtags on social media platforms like TikTok Boosted are typically ones that are short and easy to remember, which makes them easier for people to use when talking about specific topics or types of content. So, try not to use too many long words in your hashtag since this makes it harder for others to use it and creates less potential exposure compared with a shorter one. Additionally, if there are multiple words in your hashtag then make sure they all start with the same letter (or perhaps even with the same syllable) so that they’re easier to type quickly on mobile devices.

3. Is it something that people would actually search for?

Although using a hashtag that is relevant to your post, and has been used by other users in the past, will help increase the amount of attention you get for your video or post, one thing to keep in mind is that not all hashtags are popular (or even searched for) on social media platforms like TikTok Boosted. So, when choosing which one you want to use do some research first to see if there are thousands of others also using it. The more competition there is for a certain hashtag typically means that less people use it or pay attention to it so be sure to only choose ones that will still actually cause your posts and videos to get noticed by others.

4. Is it brand-specific?

If you’re targeting a specific audience and want to get the attention of people who are already familiar with your brand or business, then try using branded hashtags that they’ll recognize when they see them on your posts. This will help you attract more followers since people who follow your company’s account can then also click through to see what other content you post without having to search for it in their feeds. Additionally, if you create a unique hashtag that is associated directly with what your company does then this can be used as a great way to start conversations with potential customers and clients on TikTok Boosted. Feel free to use any of these tips when looking at how hashtags are used on TikTok Boosted and how you can use them more effectively in the future.

How to find the right hashtags for your content

If you’re not sure which hashtags to use on your posts, then here are a few tips that will help you find the right ones for whatever type of content you want to share.

Do some research. The first step is simply to do some research by looking up what other users in your niche (or related niches) are using on their posts so that you can see which popular hashtags seem like good fit for your videos and photos. You can also check out the trending topics or most-followed accounts lists on TikTok Boosted’s explore page to get an idea of what tends to be popular with users currently. Additionally, there are various search tools online that you can use to find relevant hashtags depending on what kind of content you’re sharing and where you want people to find it.

Use a hashtag generator. There are also various online tools that can help you generate hashtags for your posts so that others who are searching those topics will be able to see what type of content you have to share. This can help you get more exposure since there are typically thousands of other users on TikTok Boosted already using the most popular hashtags, so by making up creative ones from scratch (or perhaps combining existing ones) then this may allow your posts and videos to stand out more as well.

Look for one-word hashtags. Since the best and most popular hashtags on TikTok Boosted tend to be short and easy to remember, you can do some research beforehand and then save the ones that seem most relevant to your niche for future posts and videos. This way you’ll always have a list of catchy hashtags readily available so that you can quickly choose which ones would be best for whatever kind of content you’re posting next.

Create an event. If there’s something going on in your industry, such as a conference or special holiday, then using one of these events’ dedicated hashtags is a good way to get extra attention from other users who are also interested in what’s currently happening within it. You can do this by either creating an account or event page specifically for that occasion if it hasn’t already been made (such as the World Cup or the Super Bowl) or by including that hashtag in your posts and videos. For example, if you’re a musician then creating an event around a new album release or tour can help you integrate it into your images and short videos so that others will know about it when they come across them on TikTok Boosted.

Use humor. Lastly, another way to make sure that people enjoy following along with whatever message you’re trying to convey through your content is by always trying to use some level of wit and creativity in the hashtags that you choose. This can be done either subtly through very subtle puns or jokes in your captions (which will often still get the point across) or more blatantly by using something like the name of a specific movie and including a hashtag about it (such as the “Elf” or “Office Space” movie references). Ultimately, whatever type of content you’re sharing and what message you want to ensure that your audience gets from it is always the most important factor to think about.

How other businesses are using hashtags

Now that you have a better idea of how hashtags work on TikTok Boosted and why it’s so important for brands and businesses to use them well in order to get more followers and attention from their target audiences there, here are a few examples of popular companies who are currently doing this just right.

1. CoverGirl

CoverGirl has recently gone through quite a few changes since its acquisition by Coty Inc., with one of those being the decision to revamp its hashtag from how it was originally “#COVERGIRLxJUNNY” (which is also the name of her YouTube channel) to now simply being just “#COVERGIRL“. This has definitely helped raise awareness for the brand and its various products, as well as make it so that fans of Junny’s who want to know what she’s up to can still follow along with both CoverGirl and her on TikTok Boosted.

2. Coca-Cola

In a similar way, although Coca-Cola has been using hashtags like “#ShareACoke” and “#OpenUpToUnlock” more commonly than many other brands have in recent years on Twitter, they’ve certainly done a great job at getting a lot of attention and engagement through them as well. This may be due to the fact that it’s quick, easy, and painless for just about anyone (regardless of whether or not they’re even in the US or not) to use these hashtags on TikTok Boosted when they see what others are talking about via images, videos, and GIFs that show off how much fun this can be.

3. Adidas

Another great example is Adidas (#adidas), who has frequently been using hashtags like “#WILLYOURUN” (since 2017) to both create more awareness for its brand amongst users across all social platforms as well as drive anticipation for future product launches from actual running enthusiasts themselves. The company has now even had its own dedicated app for those who have to run in order to succeed professionally in the sport, which is meant to make things easier for them by providing a variety of different tools and exercises.

Tips for using hashtags effectively on TikTok Boosted

Now that you know more about how to get started with using hashtags effectively on TikTok Boosted and what others are doing successfully, there are a few tips here for making the most out of this strategy moving forward.

Use popular content and trends as your inspiration. First and foremost, one tip is to always do some research first before choosing any new hashtags or themes for your account (or even just one post). If you’re looking to try something new or different then you may want to look at things like trending topics (both globally and in specific geographic regions) as well as any major events coming up over the next week or so. This will make it much easier for others who might be interested in seeing all of these posts on TikTok Boosted to be able to find them with ease as well.

Look for specific opportunities. Another tip is to go ahead and look through what others are doing in your industry or niche, so that you can see all of the different types of hashtags they could be using at any given time. This will not only help you get some new ideas, but also make it easier for you to come up with your own unique spin or approach when it comes time to make a plan of action moving forward.

Incorporate trending topics into your posts. A third tip here is simply to take advantage of what’s going on around you (and beyond), so that you can see how various global events (as mentioned above) may affect the way that others interact on TikTok Boosted. This is important to know because of just how many users there are in your specific country (or geographic area) who’re using hashtags daily as well, and could easily help you connect with more people than ever before if a trending topic happens to be relevant to them too.

Adjust your approach based on what works best. Finally, one last tip here is simply to make sure that you’re able to take some time every so often (at least once or twice per week) to see what’s working for you and what isn’t when it comes to these hashtag campaigns. You’ll want to use this information in order for planning future posts or updates accordingly as well, since it’s the best way to see what will work and what won’t from an objective standpoint.

If you’d like help with gaining more traction on TikTok Boosted, then be sure to check out our list of helpful tools that can also make it easier for your account to grow in popularity as well.

Examples of great hashtag usage on TikTok Boosted

1. Hashtags are a way of categorizing content on social media platforms, and they can be used to help users find videos that are related to specific topics.

2. On TikTok Boosted, you can search for hashtags and find videos that were created specifically for that topic. This makes it easy to discover new content and connect with other users who share similar interests.

3. When using hashtags on your own content, it’s important to choose ones that are relevant and have high levels of engagement or activity. You should also experiment with different combinations of keywords in order to find the most effective hashtags for your particular audience.

4. Some tips for effectively using hashtags on TikTok Boosted include using popular themes and trends as inspiration, looking for specific opportunities to use hashtags on your posts, incorporating trending topics into your posts, and adjusting your approach based on what works best.


Congratulations! You have officially learned how to get started with using hashtags effectively on TikTok Boosted. With these tips you’ll be more successful at growing your account and getting more views for your videos in no time. Remember that the key is to keep experimenting with different strategies until you find something that consistently works well for you.

So what are some final thoughts or advice that you would give to someone who’s new to working with hashtags on this social network? Do you have any other suggestions for them when it comes to

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