1. Jennifer Lopez

Born in Batangas, Philippines, JLo began dancing at the age of five and toured with her group from Manila to Florida before moving to Los Angeles for college. Upon graduating from college, she starred in “Selena” (1997), earning herself wide recognition as well as a new nickname: Selenator!

Her impressive list of film credits includes “Out of Sight” (1998), “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” (2002) and more recently, “Born into Brothels” (2013). She has also produced and co-starred in several movies, including “Waiting To Exhale” (2000) and its sequel, “The Marriage Hustle” (2008).

On television, JLo is one of the most popular celebrities found on the variety show circuit. From being named Miss Teen USA to becoming America’s darling on “Dancing With The Stars”, this woman does not fail to impress. As if that weren’t enough, she also hosts various philanthropic events and makes appearances everywhere from schools to comedy performances.

In 2010, Forbes listed her as the highest paid celebrity in the world, reporting earnings of $38 million due to her hefty salary and numerous product endorsements.

2. Julia Roberts

Many claim this to be an “actress” career, but I would argue that it is more than just being in the right place at the right time. It takes talent, hard work, and education to achieve success.

Roberts began her acting career by taking classes for three years. She stated that she was not born with any special talents; it was only through education and practice that she was able to make it as an actor.

Heck, even her ability to drink coffee can set her apart from other people.

Many believe that drinking beer or whiskey is the way to prove you are likeable. However, according to Roberts, it is easier said than done.

For example, if someone asks how many beers you have, it’s best to say you had too many. If they ask why, simply tell them you don’t like to talk about your business.

Whatever you do, keep it simple. Too much talking makes things worse, whether you are telling someone something or being told something.

The more conversations go unsaid, the harder they are to resolve, and the longer they last. Try to be so focused on what you are trying to say that you leave no room for others to put their thoughts together also.

That will really help yourself get out of a conversation faster. And again, silence is always golden. No matter what type of topic you are discussing, quieting the

3. Angelina Jolie

Even if you don’t speak to many people, there are a lot of things that you probably know about life: death, loss, faith, love.

You may not have chosen those topics or discussed them with your knowledge, but they must be very close to your heart for you to bring up their messages throughout your work.

Jolie is an example of someone who has used her talent as a filmmaker to discuss these important themes in its various forms. In 2000 she released her first film, “A Special Welcome Antennae” which dealt with suicide and bullying. Since then, Jolie has returned to this topic repeatedly in both films and interviews.

She has also made several references to women empowerment and LGBT+ rights in interviews and blogging. Her role as director of the “Luce” documentary series on France 2 offers opportunities to talk about these subjects in a thoughtful way.

Her understanding of these issues is sincere, making audiences feel like she listens to and cares about what they have to say. This sense of understanding and care extends to her cast and crew. They tend to promote awareness and acceptance within their own industry.

4. Jennifer Hagan

If you don’t already know her, you should make it a priority to learn more about health blogger and author Jennifer Hagan. She is an expert in healthy eating, and she advocates for food literacy — teaching people how to identify foods based on their ingredients.

She also writes about lifestyle topics such as beauty products and sleep aids. It may seem unrelated, but all of these things can work together to provide a better state of mind.

As someone with a medical background, Hagan takes this role very seriously and works hard to get her facts straight. You can read her blogs for tips on improving your health or learning something new.

5. Olivia Munn

Actor Olivia Mary Ellen Munn ( born September 9, 1990 ) is an American actress. She’s known for her role as Natalie in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, also playing Lee in XY, and most recently portraying Dr. Allison Blake on NBC’s The Good Place.

In addition to acting, Olivia enjoys spending time with friends and family, going to football games, skiing, and cooking. She adores dogs and hopes one day to have her own dog — maybe even a boxer like Kimmel’s dog who played Flik in A Bug’s Life!

Website: AskMen.com

Question: How did you feel when you read this passage?


6. Ali Larter

Actor, producer, entrepreneur, inventor

Ali has been in the entertainment industry for years appearing as Darla on MTV’s “My Super Sweet 16” and starring on TV shows such as Comedy Central’s “Another Cinderella Story” and Fox’s “Ammaryville” (where she met her husband, Dan) and now the new show “The Mick” on Cooking Channel.

Ali is also an accomplished photographer, blogger, and author of the book “I Am Female And These Are My Rights.” She was named one of Wikipedia’s 101 Amazing Female Explorers.

Recently, she starred in the Travel Channel’s series “Unusual Restaurants Across America.” Her problem solving skills, creativity, and sense of adventure have made her a career success.

In addition to her talented career, Ali is also very active in charity work and education. Some of these include founding the Children’s Heart Fund, Global Health, One Dream Foundation, and The Cleo Niña Center for Education.

7. Lena Headey

Actress, producer, and entrepreneur

Heady is an alumna of The Groundlings, an improv and sketch comedy troupe based in Los Angeles. She’s known for her roles as Cersei Lannisteron HBO’s epic fantasy series “Game Of Thrones,” and as Daenerys Targaryen on FOX’s science fiction ride academy-set drama “Dragon Ball Z.”

Alongside her acting career, Heady also runs a successful craft shop called Pieces of Work located in downtown LA.

8. Melissa George

With her successful NY Times best-selling book, The Story of You, author Melissa George created a global spotlight on the importance of looking at relationships from a new perspective.

In it she shares what has worked (and hasn’t) for women in business over the past several years.

Along with many tips, techniques, and insights, George explains why some women have been able to achieve great things alone and others haven’t. She also gives advice about how women can recognize and take advantage of opportunities for leadership.

By being presented with these ideas in one place, you can easily find answers to your questions around women and leadership.

9. Emma Stone

You might not recognize her from any films, but Emma Stone was impossibly chic as Lady Capulet in “Romantic Comedy” starring Rachel McAdams. She’s also starred in movies like “Easy A,”

Twitter follower count: 35 million

She has been acting for nearly eight years already, and still acts in movies such as the current – and second most popular movie of all time (after Titanic) — “The Kitchen Show.”

Her style varies wildly between high-end fashion statements and cute outfits around home, to fancy daytime appearances at events, and then something crazy AND cool.

Here are all the different styles you can expect to see from this amazing actress.

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