Perfectly maintained carpets can protect it from significant wear. It ensures the new appearance of the piece by preventing the tissues from damage. Read on this blog to know how to deal with every sort of dirt, stubborn stains and dust like an expert right at your home.

Don’t rub the stains on your carpet

As per the carpet cleaning professional the biggest mistake one can make is to rub the stain. By doing so, you are actually allowing the dirt to penetrate deep into fibres. Obviously, you are going to freak out afterwards as it becomes more difficult to clean. In fact, some worry thinking whether they are going to restore the spot-free look of the carpet or not!

So, after a spill you must blot up the excessive liquid using cotton cloth kitchen paper. In case the stain is like semi solid then you can use spatula or spoon to remove the excessive amount. Always keep the carpet stain removal agent handy to treat the stain instantly. Carpet cleaning experts always advise to keep carpet cleaner stock at home.   

Soda water is efficient for removal of wine and beer stains

Soda water or vinegar (mixed with water) is really helpful for dealing with stains from juice and fruits. In case you don’t have any carpet cleaning agent you can use dishwashing detergent.

Just mix two drops of it in warm water glass to clean the carpet. Ammonia is versatile to clean a number of stains. Wet wipes are highly beneficial for dealing with little spots there on the surface.

Soda bicarbonate is fantastic to tackle foul smell emits from your carpet. By mixing a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol) in the glass of water you can obtain amazing detergent for DIY carpet cleaning at your home.

As these ingredients are high in formulated components therefore you must use them in limited quantities and in diluted form. By this way, it will be safe for both pets and your kids.   

Efficient way for the removal of gum from your carpet

While having kids and pets keeping the home tidy, clean and organised is challenging! Often you can find that there is gum on the carpet. Have you thought of any solution to deal with this problem without damaging the carpet?

Just place some ice cubes packed in plastic bag ensuring no leakage. Let it be there for a couple of minutes wait till the gum freezes to scoop it out. 

Right application of the wax stain removal technique from the carpet

Already you are aware of removal of candle stains using iron and newspaper. However, you must ensure that you are using this trick in the correct manner as it is not a universal one. If any mistake takes place the entire effort will go to vain. Even the wax stain can become bigger than ever. Given below are best ways to tackle the issue:

  • When there is a large candle wax spill apply ice cube to freeze up the wax fast. As a result it doesn’t get enough time to seep deep into fibres. This one is really important in case the wax is of saturated colour.
  • You can make use of an oil knife and spoon to remove hardened wax from the surface of the carpet.

However, you must keep in mind the following as well:

  • You shouldn’t use wax remover- Inks can smear the stain more on the carpet. Rather than that you can make use of the cotton cloth.
  • Don’t too heat the iron – Nowadays carpets comprise of artificial fibres which easily melt at any high temperature. So, after heating the iron plate, place the cotton cloth over the wax stain to press gently over it.

You will notice that wax stain comes from the surface of the carpet and gets into the cotton cloth. In case of any mistake all your efforts will vain.

Remove pet hairs and dander easily from the carpet

Vacuuming everyday can efficiently suck up pet hair and dander if it is lengthy. However, short hairs penetrate quick and deep into fibres as they are firm. In that scenario, vacuum will become useless. So, after you vacuum use window’s rubber edge cleaner on it for effective cleaning. Even a tire can pick up the shortest of hair hide within the fibres leaving a clean hair-free carpet behind.   

Extra pros tips

Regular carpet washing and cleaning will extend its lifespan. Being a homeowner, you must devote an hour to the professional cleaning services every year. In case you have large households including pets and small kids then cleaning is necessary 2 times a year. Search for ‘professional carpet cleaning near me in London online to find the most experienced cleaner in the city. 

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